Kin Before the Kingdom

       I’ve been overwhelmed with thoughts of failing Jesus and my calling.  My dedication abandoned me, and the “worries of this world” filled the vacancy.  I had, without realizing my fault, placed kin before the Kingdom in increments too small to perceive, and in a short time, and an exacting grief replaced my appropriate remorse.  I tried to overcome my predicament alone without success, but after many attempts, God’s Holy Spirit dragged me back into prayer. I prayed that my heavenly Father and his Son, Jesus Christ, would lift me up and assure me of his understanding.

The feeling of guilt, when powerful enough, can and will deny Christians from experiencing the love and grace of God, but only as long as Christ allows it.  God never initiates grief so severely that it becomes torment and turmoil in Christian’s lives.  He is a Father who rebukes his children only as harshly as need be.

In Christ’s name, God answered my prayers.  And more!  He blessed me with new Kingdom understanding.

I recall watching, as a child, the Saturday cartoons on TV.  There would be the main character with a little angel sitting on one shoulder and a little devil sitting on the other, both whispering into his ears.  I’ve been known to listen with the wrong ear.

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